It is generally accepted that conflicts are part of life – both at work and privately. People have difficulty when they are asked to see the opportunities that conflicts always harbour. The broad observation that “there’s no growth without conflict” is usually met with a lack of understanding, head shaking or even flat-out rejection.

Resilience is the ability to successfully deal with pressure, stress and conflicts – this means being able to use, protect and/or develop your existing mental, physical and psychosomatic resources in a positive way.

We will show you how you can master these challenges and lead a fulfilled, balanced (professional) life.

We are confident that we can show you, your employees and your managers how to expand or maintain your capacity for action in the medium to long term.

Conflict skills and resilience

At the level of conflict skills / conflict management, we work together with you to devise answers to the following questions:

  • What kind of conflict type am I?
  • How do I deal with conflicts?
  • What options do I have in a conflict situation?
  • What are the solution strategies?

OBJECTIVE: Find YOUR personal approach to dealing with conflict and practise this in a range of situations.

At the level of resilience, we clarify the following topics with you and advise you on how (yoga, balance, nutrition, movement, relaxation) you can improve YOUR personal life situation:

  • How do I take care of my needs?
  • What exercise do I have in my life?
  • What, how and when do I eat?
  • What do I do to ensure a work-life balance?
  • How do I relax?

OBJECTIVE: Develop an idea of how to better take care of your own needs in future. Try out and practise this change in attitude.